Welcome to Probus Club of Port Stephens
Probus Club of Port Stephens is a mixed gender club that is all about enjoying the friendship and fellowship of like-minded people. Members get to know other active retirees in the local community. The club was formed in 1983 and is the largest Probus club in the Port Stephens area.

Retirees who take part in regular physical and mental activity are privy to countless health benefits, including lower weight, greater strength, increased flexibility and balance, and better mental health. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find any research suggesting the older you get, the less active you should be. Retire from work, not from life. Tomorrow can be the beginning of new adventures, new joys, and greater success – how you spend it is up to you.

Fulfilment through collaboration, participation, teamwork, fun, friendship and fellowship. Plus: * Active Retirees magazine * Comprehensive and competitively priced travel insurance * Member Benefits Scheme involving many partner discounts [click on image for more details] All this for a joining fee of $20 to cover the costs of badges and a yearly subscription of $25.

Many people retire to this area leaving family and friends behind. The Club, a fast growing mixed-gender group of about 120 members, can fill this gap by making you feel very welcome to their extended family. You can enjoy your retirement through participation, teamwork, fun, fellowship and friendship. Our members, who are highly engaged and welcoming, will help you experience our wide range of activities and events organised by the club’s enthusiastic and collaborative team.

Retirees who take part in regular physical and mental activity are privy to countless health benefits, including lower weight, greater strength, increased flexibility and balance, and better mental health. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find any research suggesting the older you get, the less active you should be. Retire from work, not from life. Tomorrow can be the beginning of new adventures, new joys, and greater success – how you spend it is up to you.
Wednesday 2nd April
9:30am Walking Group meets - the venue varies but we always have coffee
Wednesday 2nd April
2:30pm Book Club meets at Tomaree Library
Monday 7th April
10:30am Fun Golf & Putt Putt @ David Graham's Golf Centre. Nelson Bay Road, Anna Bay
Wednesday 9th April
9:15am Mixed Social Bowls at Fingal Bay Sports Club, Rocky Point Road, Fingal Bay
Thursday 10th April
10:30am General Meeting at Nelson Bay Bowling & Recreation Club, Stockton Street, Nelson Bay
Wednesday 16th April
9:30am Walking Group meets - the venue varies but we always have coffee
PROBUS is a world-wide organisation for retired or semi-retired couples and singles and their aim is to ensure you make the most of your retirement by enjoying the fellowship of like-minded people, exploring the opportunity to develop new interests and stay active in mind and body.
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